Friday, May 1, 2015

Selena Gomez Looks So Cute, and So Does Her Vulva!

Aww, look how sweet, Selena Gomez went down to Mexico and had some water-themed fun! Doesn't that look just delightful? She looks like she's having a lot of fun, and like she's really happy, and how could you not love that? And, you know, sure, she's got that thing going on that a lot of women do when they have on tight, wet clothing, that thing that looks similar to a certain desert animal's appendage. It's completely natural, no shame there. It's probably happened to all of us at one point or another. That doesn't take away from the hotness though, and it doesn't take away from our appreciation of Selena and those photos. Not one little bit.

Love you, girl, and congrats on the happiness!

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