Friday, May 1, 2015

Demi Lovato Just Won This Round

Demi Lovato
, as we all know, is basically perfect. She has that thing where she's so talented and gorgeous and all that, but she's also such a strong role model, what with the way she battled addiction and eating disorders and overcame both. Sadly, this week someone tried to undermine her greatness: the tattoo artist who did Demi's lip tattoo, also known as her "vagina tattoo." The artist, Ashley McMullen, tried to slam Demi all over the place, and at first all she got was a hilarious series of storytelling emojis from Demi.

But she's replied in full now, everyone. And it's powerful:

Dear Ashley McMullen, I wasn't going to acknowledge your bitter Instagram comments but since your side of the story has picked up some headlines, I would like to share my thoughts and send you a proper apology. 
First, I would like to say I'm really sorry I don't remember you or getting tattooed by you, but as you know I was f---ed up and sometimes people act like '#turds' when they're loaded. Second, I apologize for my '#peepeetoiletseat'… That wasn't on purpose, I was simply a drunken teenage girl. Lastly, I apologize for making fun of your work.. But… if I were you, I wouldn't claim that one because it looked more like an open vagina (or even a butt hole as my 8 year old little sister called it at the time.) I also wouldn't be admitting to the fact that you tattooed a very intoxicated 18 year old on a tour bus without the proper judgment that most legit tattoo artists have of saying 'Hmm… This underage kid is wasted, maybe I shouldn't permanently ink a hot pink kiss mark on this girl's wrist….? Oh well… F--- it, she's famous.' I can't blame you for getting the tattoo, I take full responsibility for that but if the issue here is you wanting credit, maybe next time you should wait for the person to get your tattoo sober so they would actually remember getting the tattoo in the first place, or perhaps you could've thought about all of this as a blessing that I forgot everything about you – that was until you outted yourself for the now internationally infamous 'vagina tattoo.' But you're right, I should give credit where credit is due, and you Ashley, surely deserve credit for this one. #justputitonmytab.

Is there an emoji to illustrate us bowing down to Demi? Because that is the only thing that would be appropriate now.

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