Friday, May 1, 2015

Girl’s Day Donate 10 Million Won to Nepal Earthquake Relief

Girl’s Day Donate 10 Million Won to Nepal Earthquake Relief
The members of Girl’s Day have responded to the devastating news of the Nepal earthquake by donating 10 million won (approximately $9,300 USD) to relief efforts.
A representative of Korean Red Cross revealed, “Girl’s Day has donated 10 million won to the Red Cross to help the victims of the Nepal earthquake.”
Known for actively participating in voluntary work and doing good deeds, Girl’s Day expressed their concern over the situation in Nepal, “We decided to collectively donate to help the people of Nepal, who have lost their family and friends due to the sudden and powerful earthquake, get back on their feet. While our contribution is small, we hope it will help Nepal return to its state before the earthquake a little bit faster.”
Previously on April 26, Minah asked her fans to “Pray for Nepal.”
Meanwhile, Korean Red Cross will leave for Nepal on May 4 at 8:30 a.m. to provide medical assistance to the victims.

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